To edit your profile or add a "Now" photo follow these steps:

1.  Change filter on left to ""First Name",  enter your first name on the right and search
2.  Scroll down to find your name and click on the link that says "is this you" "fill in your profile here".  A box will come up  with instructions.
3.  You will either be sent the UN and PW by email if your profile contains an email address or you will be able to enter a UN and PW on the screen if you do not have an email address.  These will be required to edit your profile in the future.
4.  After retrieving your UN and PW, go back to classmates.  Click on the yellow button that says "edit your profile". Enter the UN and PW sent to you and click "submit".  It will go to your profile page.  Fill in all fields and edit the UN and PW to  one that you will remember.  You will  have to enter both to edit your profile.
5.  Upload your "Now" photo by clicking on the "Browse" or "Choose File" button that appears below the Then and Now and find the image on your computer that you want to be your "Now" pic and click it.  Image should appear.
6. DO NOT FORGET to Click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form to save your changes.

Please note that your profile will temporarily be removed from the website after your first edit, howeverit will reappear shortly.

Forgot password


Marsha (Szurek)

Then photo

Ronald Albrecht

Then photo

Ronnie Albrecht

Then photo

Max Aldredge

Then photo

Barbara Allen

Then photo

Vadalia Allen

Then photo
Comment: Deceased

Linda Allums

Then photo

Steve Anderson

Then photo

Bobby Anderson

Then photo

Danny Anderson (Anderson)

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Retired
Enjoying retirement, golf, fish, target shooting, hunting, teaching bad habits to grandkids (you know, parents revenge).  Miss those high school days, really looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.